Sunday, May 27, 2018

On the Way to Somewhere

Foggy pinhole dash photo.
Pinhole printed Flyer camera.
Fuji Across 100
Sloshed in caffenol for 8 usual poison.


Sunday, May 20, 2018

Alive and Well in the Desert

I'll always be a desert dweller, even though the dryness makes my fingers crack and bleed and my bones's where I like to be.
I made a little trip to big ol' Texas a few weeks ago and spent some time looking far south toward Mexico where the sky is endless and the silence goes on for a hundred miles.

I call these yuccas "witchdoctors" ...they just look so surreal and each one has a personality all its own.
Reality So Subtle 6 x 6 pinhole camera with some 100 speed Ultrafine film sloshed about in caffenol.
It's what the doctors ordered.....

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The Road to Guadalupe

Besides pinhole and my Holga...I do love a disposable camera! It fits in my pocket, I don't worry about it getting nicked and it just feels right when I'm riding shotgun on a road trip through west Texas.
I don't worry about settings, or fidgeting with dials.
I just point and shoot. Freedom in a plastic box.
Wonder what Mr. Fox Talbot would think?